Journal Article
Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.
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Human factors and ergonomics as a patient safety practice.

BACKGROUND: Human factors and ergonomics (HFE) approaches to patient safety have addressed five different domains: usability of technology; human error and its role in patient safety; the role of healthcare worker performance in patient safety; system resilience; and HFE systems approaches to patient safety.

METHODS: A review of various HFE approaches to patient safety and studies on HFE interventions was conducted.

RESULTS: This paper describes specific examples of HFE-based interventions for patient safety. Studies show that HFE can be used in a variety of domains.

CONCLUSIONS: HFE is a core element of patient safety improvement. Therefore, every effort should be made to support HFE applications in patient safety.

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