Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Myths and misconceptions about intrauterine contraception among women seeking termination of pregnancy.

BACKGROUND: Immediate initiation of an intrauterine device (IUD) or intrauterine system (IUS) following termination of pregnancy (TOP) is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of another TOP. In spite of its high efficacy, uptake of intrauterine contraception in the UK is low. Myths and misconceptions about the method may contribute to the low uptake.

STUDY DESIGN: Anonymous, self-administered questionnaire among women requesting a TOP in a hospital abortion service in Scotland, UK.

METHODS: Misconceptions about intrauterine contraception were extracted from an online social networking and micro-blogging service, and from existing research to develop a questionnaire containing 12 negative statements about intrauterine contraception. Respondents indicated their level of agreement with each statement.

RESULTS: A total of 106/125 (85%) women requesting a TOP completed the questionnaire. The two commonest negative statements that respondents agreed with were that the IUD/IUS 'Is painful to have inserted' (n=36; 34%) and that 'It can move around inside your body' (n=25; 23.6%). The range of women who neither agreed nor disagreed with negative statements was 26.4-56.0%. Twenty-seven (25%) women indicated that the IUD/IUS was their planned method of post-TOP contraception.

CONCLUSIONS: Although myths about intrauterine contraception persist among a small proportion of women requesting a TOP, lack of knowledge about the method is also evident. The consultation prior to TOP is an important opportunity to provide accurate and quality information to women about the IUD/IUS that may serve to increase uptake and prevent repeat abortions.

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