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Sarcoidosis of the upper respiratory tract in patients with nasal rim lesions: a pilot study.
Lupus pernio has been associated with sarcoidosis of the upper respiratory tract. The semantic differences in the use of the designation "lupus pernio" are such that American dermatologists may not consider patients with nasal rim papules of sarcoidosis to have lupus pernio. During a 12-month period, we referred each new patient with sarcoidosis and nasal rim lesions for direct and indirect laryngoscopy. Three of our four patients had sarcoidosis of the upper respiratory tract. We recommend a large prospective study to assess the incidence of this disorder in patients with nasal rim lesions of sarcoidosis. Until such a study is undertaken, however, we believe that consideration should be given to otolaryngologic examination of these patients, regardless of their symptoms.
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