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Case Reports
Journal Article
Bilateral parotitis as the initial presentation of childhood sarcoidosis.
American Journal of Otolaryngology 2013 March
The differential diagnosis of bilateral parotid gland enlargement in children includes infectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders. We present the case of a 13-year-old male who presented with a 5-week history of bilateral parotid swelling. On exam, both parotid glands were nontender, smooth, and diffusely enlarged. He had slightly elevated inflammatory markers, but other lab results were normal. A neck CT revealed symmetric enlargement of the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands. A chest CT revealed scattered peripheral pulmonary nodules and bilateral hilar adenopathy. A parotid gland biopsy showed multiple noncaseating granulomas with multinucleated giant cells surrounded by lymphocytes, consistent with the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Special stains for acid-fast and fungal organisms were negative. Using this illustrative case, we discuss the differential diagnosis of bilateral salivary gland enlargement in children and review the etiology, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of pediatric sarcoidosis.
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