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Ultra-early evaluation of intracerebral hemorrhage.
Journal of Neurosurgery 1990 Februrary
The authors evaluate eight patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) who underwent computerized tomography (CT) within 2 1/2 hours after symptom onset and then again several hours later. The second CT scan was performed within 12 hours after onset for seven of the patients and 100 hours after onset for the eighth patient. In four patients, the second CT scan was obtained prospectively. The mean percentage of increase in the volume of hemorrhage between the first and second CT scans was 107% (range 1% to 338%). In each of the six patients with a greater than 40% increase in hemorrhage volume, neurological deterioration occurred soon after the first CT. A systolic blood pressure of 195 mm Hg or greater was recorded during the first 6 hours in five of the same six patients. The data from this study indicate that, in ICH, bleeding may continue after the 1st hour post-hemorrhage, particularly in patients with early clinical deterioration.
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