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Multiple aplasia cutis congenita lesions located along Blaschko's lines in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot-A.
Journal of Dermatological Case Reports 2012 June 30
BACKGROUND: Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a congenital absence of skin, and a single alopecic lesion on the scalp is the most common form.
MAIN OBSERVATION: We present a case of ACC with tetralogy of Fallot-A. Differetial diagnosis included Adams-Oliver syndrome and nevus psiloliparus. Interestingly, our patient showed multiple ACC lesions, which were located along Blaschko's lines.
CONCLUSIONS: As far as we know, our case is the third case of ACC with tetralogy of Fallot-A. Also, this is the first case of ACC associated with Blaschko's lines.
MAIN OBSERVATION: We present a case of ACC with tetralogy of Fallot-A. Differetial diagnosis included Adams-Oliver syndrome and nevus psiloliparus. Interestingly, our patient showed multiple ACC lesions, which were located along Blaschko's lines.
CONCLUSIONS: As far as we know, our case is the third case of ACC with tetralogy of Fallot-A. Also, this is the first case of ACC associated with Blaschko's lines.
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