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Focus on paediatric and adolescent varicocoele: a single institution experience.
International Journal of Andrology 2012 October
The aim of this study was to report our long-term diagnostic and surgical outcome during the last 18 years, in paediatric and adolescent management of varicocoele. The present retrospective study enrols 374 patients observed at our institution between 1994 and 2011. Patients were divided into three groups: Group A includes 142 youngsters and adolescents treated with open surgery for left varicocoele, in which a pre-operative CDUS was not performed; Group B includes 65 patients treated with open surgery in which a pre-operative CDUS evaluation was carried out, to assess varicocoele haemodynamic pattern and testicular volume. Group C includes 167 patients treated by laparoscopy and with pre-operative CDUS assessment. For all groups post-operative follow-up consisted of CDUS evaluation performed 1, 3, 6, 12 months after surgical treatment, than every year. Persistence/recurrence of varicocoele, testicular volume and presence of hydrocele were evaluated. Recurrence rate was significatively higher in group A (11.2%) than B (no recurrence, p = 0.003) or C (no recurrence, p = 0.000). Post-operative hydrocele was not significantly observed overall in group A in 9.8% of cases (13% if tunica vaginalis was left untouched, 4.2% if everted or resected p = 0.005), in group B in 3% and in group C in 7.1% of cases (p = NS). In conclusion, open and laparoscopic surgery offers similar results. In our opinion, the key-point in paediatric and adolescent varicocoele is not the surgical approach to use, but the exact diagnosis. Careful CDUS evaluation is, in our opinion, a valid, safe, cost-effective and immediate tool to accurately detect all refluxing venous system and for achieving a comprehensive evaluation of the vascular anatomy of varicocoele in paediatric and adolescent age. Laparoscopic Palomo or open subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy offer similar results in terms of recurrence; meanwhile the use of a lymphatic sparing surgery with or without blue-dye is recommended to reduce post-operative hydroceles.
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