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Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Systematic Review
Association between gout and all-cause as well as cardiovascular mortality: a systematic review.
Current Rheumatology Reports 2012 April
Gout affects 1% to 2% of the population, and the prevalence is increasing due to changes in diet and the ageing of the population. Its development and risk factors have been explored frequently, and recommendations for the diagnosis and management of gout implemented. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the long-term impact on gouty patients. This systematic review therefore evaluates the association between gout and all-cause as well as cardiovascular mortality. A systematic literature search was performed, and seven long-term studies were ultimately analyzed. Six of them used multivariate regressions to assess the adjusted mortality ratio in gouty patients with reference to patients without the disorder. Despite differences in study designs, study populations, and definitions of gout, the results were consistent: There was an independent association between gout and all-cause as well as cardiovascular mortality. Knowing that patients with gout are at risk emphasizes the need for adequate care.
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