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Case Reports
Journal Article
Management of severe Class II malocclusion with fixed functional appliance: Forsus.
BACKGROUND: Management of class II malocclusion in adolescent patients by growth modulation is one of the most debated topics in orthodontics. Noncompliance has been a major concern for orthodontists.
CASE REPORT: This case report describes the management of severe class II malocclusion in adolescent patient using functional appliance system-Forsus to correct class II problems, which is clipped on to bands. This appliance has several advantages, as the patient cannot remove it. It acts on the teeth and jaws for 24 hours each day, patient cooperation is not a problem, and as a result the treatment time is short. There is lot of controversy about the use of functional appliances.
CONCLUSION: This case report illustrates that even today, functional appliances have a significant role in the management of class II malocclusion by using growth modulation. The growth modulation minimizes the necessity of extraction of permanent teeth and probably orthognathic surgery.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Functional appliances have a significant role in the management of class II malocclusion. The growth modulation minimizes the necessity of extraction of permanent teeth and probably orthognathic surgery.
CASE REPORT: This case report describes the management of severe class II malocclusion in adolescent patient using functional appliance system-Forsus to correct class II problems, which is clipped on to bands. This appliance has several advantages, as the patient cannot remove it. It acts on the teeth and jaws for 24 hours each day, patient cooperation is not a problem, and as a result the treatment time is short. There is lot of controversy about the use of functional appliances.
CONCLUSION: This case report illustrates that even today, functional appliances have a significant role in the management of class II malocclusion by using growth modulation. The growth modulation minimizes the necessity of extraction of permanent teeth and probably orthognathic surgery.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Functional appliances have a significant role in the management of class II malocclusion. The growth modulation minimizes the necessity of extraction of permanent teeth and probably orthognathic surgery.
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