Case Reports
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Hepatitis C and interferon-associated retinopathy: a case report.

BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C is a common virus affecting approximately 170 million people worldwide. The main ocular manifestations of hepatitis C virus include a Sjögren-type of dry eye syndrome and an ischemic retinopathy secondary to treatment with interferon or a result of a systemic vasculitis induced by the infection itself. Current treatment for hepatitis C is a combination therapy using pegylated (long-lasting) interferon and ribavirin. This treatment, however, is not without ocular sequelae. Interferon-associated retinopathy is present in > 50% of patients taking the drug and is mainly characterized by cotton wool spots and retinal hemorrhages. The pathogenesis of this disorder is not specifically known. Fortunately, many patients remain asymptomatic, and the retinal changes are usually reversible.

CASE REPORT: A 48-year-old black man presented to the clinic complaining of decreased vision in both eyes for the previous few weeks. His medical history was positive for hypertension and hepatitis C for which he was being treated. At his examination, he had interferon retinopathy diagnosed. Soon thereafter, his treatment for hepatitis C was discontinued, and when he returned for follow-up 4 months later, his retinal findings had resolved.

CONCLUSIONS: An overview of hepatitis C and its recommended therapy and possible ocular side effects are reviewed, as well as the differential diagnosis of interferon-associated retinopathy, 1 of the main side effects of treatment.

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