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Bimatoprost in the treatment of eyelash universalis alopecia areata.
International Journal of Trichology 2010 July
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate topical bimatoprost for eyelash growth in patients with alopecia areata (AA).
DESIGN: A 1-year retrospective study, bilateral eyelash alopecia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-one subjects with AA universalis without ocular disease applied 0.03% bimatoprost to the eyelid margin once a day over the course of 1 year.
RESULTS: Thirty-seven subjects completed the study, one patient was eliminated due to conjunctivitis at the beginning of treatment, two patients developed conjunctivitis after 6 months of treatment, and a fourth did not follow directions. Researchers evaluated patients' eyelash growth every 4 months. We observed complete growth in 24.32%, moderate growth in 18.91%, slight growth in 27.02% and without response in 29.72%.
CONCLUSION: Bimatoprost may be effective and safe in the treatment of eyelash AA. 43.24% of the patients had an acceptable cosmetic response (total and moderate growth).
LIMITATIONS: Design without control.
DESIGN: A 1-year retrospective study, bilateral eyelash alopecia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-one subjects with AA universalis without ocular disease applied 0.03% bimatoprost to the eyelid margin once a day over the course of 1 year.
RESULTS: Thirty-seven subjects completed the study, one patient was eliminated due to conjunctivitis at the beginning of treatment, two patients developed conjunctivitis after 6 months of treatment, and a fourth did not follow directions. Researchers evaluated patients' eyelash growth every 4 months. We observed complete growth in 24.32%, moderate growth in 18.91%, slight growth in 27.02% and without response in 29.72%.
CONCLUSION: Bimatoprost may be effective and safe in the treatment of eyelash AA. 43.24% of the patients had an acceptable cosmetic response (total and moderate growth).
LIMITATIONS: Design without control.
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