Comparative Study
Journal Article
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Gender-based differences in outcome after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring tendon autografts.

BACKGROUND: Although previous studies suggested that female patients are predisposed to increase graft laxity compared with male patients after single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendons, there have been no studies specifically examining gender-based differences in outcome after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring tendon autografts.

HYPOTHESES: (1) Female patients have significantly smaller hamstring graft diameters than do men for anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery; (2) female patients will have increased graft laxity compared with male patients after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendons.

STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2.

METHODS: The consecutive 174 patients who underwent anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendons were enrolled. Of these patients, 49 women and 73 men were prospectively evaluated 2 years after surgery.

RESULTS: The diameters for anteromedial and posterolateral grafts in the female group were significantly smaller than those in the male group. On Lachman testing, 98% of the female group and 97% of the male group were rated as negative. Regarding the pivot-shift test, 80% of the female group and 85% of the male group were rated as negative. No significant differences were found between the female and male groups in these tests. The average side-to-side differences in the KT-2000 knee ligament arthrometer values were 1.3 mm in the female group and 1.4 mm in the male group; this difference between females and males was not statistically significant. The average Lysholm scores were 96.7 points in the female group and 97.2 points in the male group. Thirty-five cases (73%) in the female group and 54 cases (74%) in the male group were graded as normal on the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) evaluation. There were no significant differences in Lysholm score or IKDC evaluation between the female and male groups.

CONCLUSION: The results of assessment for ligament laxity at the 2-year postoperative evaluation in the female group were approximately identical to those of the male group after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendons. Therefore, the present study suggests that anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendons provides satisfactory knee stability to female patients as well as male patients.

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