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Case Reports
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Partially reversible cortical metabolic dysfunction in familial hemiplegic migraine with prolonged aura.
Headache 2010 May
We report a SPECT and PET voxel-based analysis of cerebral blood flow and metabolic rate for glucose in a 23-year-old woman with familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) caused by ATP1A2 gene mutation. In comparison with healthy subjects, a PET scan showed brain glucose hypometabolism, controlaterally to the hemiplegia, in the perisylvian area early in the attack (Day 1), without any SPECT perfusion abnormalities. Decrease in metabolic rate was only partially reversible at Day 78, concordant at this time with a remaining hemisensory loss. These findings provide further evidence for a primary cortical metabolic dysfunction in FHM.
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