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Case Reports
English Abstract
Journal Article
[Rectal prolapse in a neonate with Shigella diarrhea].
Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría 2010 Februrary
UNLABELLED: A case of neonatal rectal prolapse during Shigella diarrhea is described. A 10 days neonate exclusively breast fed, whose 2 years old brother has had the same process 2 weeks ago. Medical treatment with intravenous ceftriaxone resolved rectal prolapse in 48 hours. Stool cultures showed the presence of Shigella flexneri II resistant to amoxicillin; blood and cerebrospinal fluid, cultures were negative.
CONCLUSION: Rectal prolapse is an uncommon complication seen in infants with Shigella diarrhea. It has been described in older children, but never before in neonates.
CONCLUSION: Rectal prolapse is an uncommon complication seen in infants with Shigella diarrhea. It has been described in older children, but never before in neonates.
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