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Comparative Study
Journal Article
Comparison of adnexal torsion between pregnant and nonpregnant women.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare clinical manifestations, treatment, and pregnancy outcome of adnexal torsion in pregnant and nonpregnant women.
STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective case-control study in the Departments of Gynecology at 2 tertiary centers between 1999-2008. Forty-one pregnant and 77 nonpregnant women with surgically proved adnexal torsion were assessed.
RESULTS: Recurrence rate of torsion was 19.5% in pregnant women and 9.1% in control subjects; 73% of pregnant women conceived through assisted reproductive technologies. Doppler blood flow was falsely normal in 61% of pregnant women and in 45% of nonpregnant women; 83.3% of pregnant women delivered at term. Laparoscopic detorsion was the main surgical procedure.
CONCLUSION: Presentation of adnexal torsion is similar in pregnant and nonpregnant women. Past assisted reproductive technology is an important risk factor in pregnancy. Doppler blood flow has a high false-negative rate and should not outweigh clinical suspicion. Although pregnancy outcome is favorable, the high rate of recurrence raises the issue of surgical fixation at the first episode.
STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective case-control study in the Departments of Gynecology at 2 tertiary centers between 1999-2008. Forty-one pregnant and 77 nonpregnant women with surgically proved adnexal torsion were assessed.
RESULTS: Recurrence rate of torsion was 19.5% in pregnant women and 9.1% in control subjects; 73% of pregnant women conceived through assisted reproductive technologies. Doppler blood flow was falsely normal in 61% of pregnant women and in 45% of nonpregnant women; 83.3% of pregnant women delivered at term. Laparoscopic detorsion was the main surgical procedure.
CONCLUSION: Presentation of adnexal torsion is similar in pregnant and nonpregnant women. Past assisted reproductive technology is an important risk factor in pregnancy. Doppler blood flow has a high false-negative rate and should not outweigh clinical suspicion. Although pregnancy outcome is favorable, the high rate of recurrence raises the issue of surgical fixation at the first episode.
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