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Results of operative treatment of double Morton's neuroma in the same foot.

BACKGROUND: Double Morton's neuroma in one foot has rarely been reported in the literature.

METHODS: In the current study, the authors treated 11 patients with a total of 14 cases of double Morton's neuroma in one foot. During the research period, 157 cases of Morton's neuroma were treated with surgery. The neuromas were excised through a single skin incision, and all operations occurred within a 17-month period from April 2005 to October 2006.

RESULTS: The mean preoperative AOFAS score was 54 points, and the mean postoperative AOFAS score was 78 points. Seven patients underwent additional foot procedures, and the other half did not. There was no significant difference in improvement in the postoperative AOFAS score between patients treated with a combined procedure and patients treated without a combined procedure. Protective sensation was present postoperatively in most patients, except for the four patients who had hypoesthesia or hyperesthesia. No patients were administered anesthesia.

CONCLUSIONS: We report success in surgical excision of double Morton's neuroma in one foot through a single skin incision, and recommend that in cases of compound diseases, excision of a double Morton's neuroma must be performed as a combination procedure.

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