Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Obstetric fistula in India: current scenario.

BACKGROUND: India lacks prevalence and incidence data on obstetric fistula, a near miss maternal mortality.

METHODOLOGY: Retrospective data were collected on obstetric fistula cases from hospital records of 24 tertiary care facilities during the period 2000-2006.

RESULTS: Overall, 717 women underwent genital fistula repair, but medical records could be retrieved for only 401 (56%) cases. States of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal had more than 100 cases each, while Karnataka had none. Obstructed labor caused nearly 97% of genital fistulae while pelvic surgery and accidental trauma contributed to 1.5% cases each. Commonest type of fistula was genitourinary (86.6%), others included rectovaginal (12.1%) and both genitourinary and rectovaginal fistulae (1.2%). Fistula repair was attempted in 322 (83%) cases of whom 289 (89.71%) were successfully repaired.

CONCLUSIONS: There is a need for ongoing systematic data collection mechanism like a fistula registry that would provide facility-based prevalence and incidence, time trends, and changes in etiology of fistula. This information could be used for implementation of prevention and treatment strategies.

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