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Case Reports
Journal Article
Simultaneous bilateral angle closure glaucoma in a patient with giant cell arteritis.
Journal of Glaucoma 2010 Februrary
PURPOSE: To report a case of bilateral angle closure in a patient with giant cell arteritis.
DESIGN: Observational case report.
METHODS: Review of clinical, photographic, and biopsy data of a 53-year-old patient who presented with bilateral angle closure glaucoma and was found to have giant cell arteritis.
RESULTS: A temporal artery biopsy revealed near transmural focal scarring of the media with disruption of the internal elastic lamina consistent with giant cell arteritis in a patient with bilateral angle closure glaucoma.
CONCLUSIONS: Acute angle closure glaucoma is a relatively uncommon form of glaucoma and its relationship, if any, with giant cell arteritis is unknown. This is the first reported case of giant cell arteritis presenting with bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma.
DESIGN: Observational case report.
METHODS: Review of clinical, photographic, and biopsy data of a 53-year-old patient who presented with bilateral angle closure glaucoma and was found to have giant cell arteritis.
RESULTS: A temporal artery biopsy revealed near transmural focal scarring of the media with disruption of the internal elastic lamina consistent with giant cell arteritis in a patient with bilateral angle closure glaucoma.
CONCLUSIONS: Acute angle closure glaucoma is a relatively uncommon form of glaucoma and its relationship, if any, with giant cell arteritis is unknown. This is the first reported case of giant cell arteritis presenting with bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma.
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