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Etiology, treatment, and prognosis of large pericardial effusions. A study of 34 patients.

Chest 1991 October
During the last 20 years, only a few studies have been published concerning large pericardial effusion. We recently reviewed 34 patients who presented with large pericardial effusion not associated with trauma. Our analysis revealed that half of the patients (52 percent) had pericardial effusion of unknown origin. Four patients had postmyocardial infarction pericardial effusion, three had associated malignant neoplasms, three suffered from collagen diseases, and two had infectious agents. Uremia and irradiation accounted for a single case each. Twenty-seven (79 percent) of the patients underwent pericardiocentesis and two (5.8 percent) had a pericardial window operation. The overall prognosis of the patients was excellent.

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