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Journal Article
Keratosis pilaris: a common follicular hyperkeratosis.
Cutis; Cutaneous Medicine for the Practitioner 2008 September
Keratosis pilaris (KP) is a common inherited disorder of follicular hyperkeratosis It is characterized by small, folliculocentric keratotic papules that may have surrounding erythema. The small papules impart a stippled appearance to the skin resembling gooseflesh. The disorder most commonly affects the extensor aspects of the upper arms, upper legs, and buttocks. Patients with KP usually are asymptomatic, with complaints limited to cosmetic appearance or mild pruritus. When diagnosing KP, the clinician should be aware that a number of diseases are associated with KP such as keratosis pilaris atrophicans, erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli, and ichthyosis vulgaris. Treatment options vary, focusing on avoiding skin dryness, using emollients, and adding keratolytic agents or topical steroids when necessary.
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