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Clinical Trial
Journal Article
The efficacy of the bioadhesive patches containing licorice extract in the management of recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
Phytotherapy Research : PTR 2009 Februrary
This study evaluated the efficacy of licorice bioadhesive hydrogel patches to control the pain and reduce the healing time of recurrent aphthous ulcer.This study was carried out in three episodes of ulcers: in the first episode of ulcer, all 15 patients were asked to record their baseline individual pain level by a visual analog scale. In the second and third episodes, comparative and consecutive subjective and objective evaluations of the bioadhesive were done. The effects of the following variables were investigated: (1) VAS pain score for 5 consecutive days, (2) profile of aphthous ulcers on days 3 and 5, (3) time to complete relief of pain and healing of the ulcers, (4) diameter of the lesions and necrotic zone.A significant reduction in VAS was recorded following application of the licorice patches on days 2, 3, 4 and 5 compared with the no-treatment group (p < 0.001). Licorice patches caused a significant reduction in the diameter of the inflammatory halo and necrotic center compared with the placebo group (p = 0.03).According to the results of this study, licorice bioadhesive can be effective in the reduction of pain and of the inflammatory halo and necrotic center of aphthous ulcers.
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