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Successful management of foot drop by nerve transfers to the deep peroneal nerve.
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 2008 August
Traumatic damage to the common peroneal nerve due to sharp injury, gunshot wound, sciatic nerve tumor, radiculopathy, or hip replacement surgery may result in foot drop. We present an alternative strategy for reanimation of foot drop following deep peroneal nerve palsy, successfully restoring voluntary movement. Fourteen consecutive patients with deep peroneal nerve injuries resulting in foot drop underwent nerve transfer of functional fascicles of either the superficial peroneal nerve or of the tibial nerve as donor for deep peroneal-innervated muscle groups. Eleven cases had successful restoration of British motor grade 3+ to 4+/5 ankle dorsiflexion, one case had restoration of grade 3 ankle dorsiflexion, and two cases had no restoration of dorsiflexion. Nerve transfer to the deep peroneal nerve is a feasible and effective method of treating deep peroneal nerve injuries of less than 1-year duration.
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