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Superficial thrombophlebitis diagnosed by duplex scanning.

Surgery 1991 July
Since July 1982, this noninvasive vascular laboratory has performed 12,856 lower extermity venous duplex examinations. All cases of acute venous thrombosis have been categorized and entered into a computer data base. One thousand four hundred twelve examinations were positive for acute venous thrombosis. This report analyzes the laboratory's entire experience with superficial thrombophlebitis (SVT). One hundred eighty-six patients were diagnosed by duplex scanning to have SVT. Women outnumbered men 99 to 87. They were slightly older (average age 58.4 +/- 16.2 years) compared with the men (53.8 +/- 14.2 years). Men were more likely to have a complicated course of SVT (40% vs 22%; p less than 0.01). Complications included either radiographically documented pulmonary embolism or deep venous involvement. Fifty-seven (31%) patients had at least one complication of SVT. A series of predisposing factors was analyzed and six factors were associated with an increased risk of complications. They are bilateral SVT (p less than 0.01), age greater than 60 years (p less than 0.01), male sex (p less than 0.01), history of deep venous thrombosis (p less than 0.01), bed rest (p less than 0.02), and presence of infection (p less than 0.02). Location of thrombus within the greater saphenous vein (35%) was most likely to be associated with complications. Isolated varicosities (8%) were least likely to be associated with complications. Duplex scanning identifies a significant number of complications of patients with SVT and should be obtained in cases of saphenous vein involvement or in the presence of associated risk factors.

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