Journal Article
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Scapular fractures. Analysis of 113 cases.

Scapular fractures have been the subject of study since Desault's treatise of 1805, but few large-scale studies have been completed with long-term follow-up evaluation of displaced scapular neck and spine fractures. This series of 148 fractures in 116 scapulae (113 patients) appears to be the largest ever reported and the only one with a follow-up study of a significant group (24 patients). Significant disability was found in patients with displaced scapular spine and neck fractures: (1) pain at rest in 50%-100%, (2) weakness with exertion in 40%-60%, and (3) pain with exertion in 20%-66%. Based on these findings, the indications for operative management should be expanded to include displaced scapular neck and spine fractures. Using extensile exposure through a posterior Judet incision, rigid internal fixation, and early motion, results in eight cases were excellent. All patients recovered at least 85 degrees of glenohumeral abduction, normal scapulothoracic motion, and none had resting pain, night pain, or pain with abduction. The minimum follow-up study period was 15 months.

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