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Recombinant factor VIIa as an adjunct in nonoperative management of solid organ injuries in children.

BACKGROUND: Ongoing bleeding after blunt solid organ injury in children may require invasive therapy in the form of either angiographic or operative control. We report our experience in the use of a procoagulant, recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa), for controlling persistent bleeding in blunt abdominal trauma in children.

METHODS: After institutional review board approval, the records of 8 children with blunt abdominal trauma, persistent bleeding, and managed nonoperatively with rFVIIa were reviewed.

RESULTS: All 8 patients presented to our institution after sustaining blunt abdominal trauma and solid organ injury. All children had evidence of persistent bleeding with a drop in hematocrit and elevation in heart rate. Patients received a single dose of rFVIIa at 75 to 90 microg/kg (1 patient had 24 microg/kg) and had successful control of their bleeding without any further therapeutic intervention. Only 3 patients required a blood transfusion after rFVIIa administration--2 who had subarachnoid hemorrhages and the third during pelvic fixation. There were no cases of thromboembolic events after treatment with rFVIIa.

CONCLUSIONS: Recombinant factor VIIa is a useful adjunctive therapy in pediatric patients with evidence of ongoing hemorrhage from blunt abdominal injury and may reduce the need for invasive therapeutic procedures and transfusions.

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