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Pigmented purpuric dermatosis: classification by phenotypic and molecular profiles.
American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2007 August
The categorization of pigmented purpuric dermatosis (PPD) as a form of cutaneous lymphoid dyscrasia has been suggested. Phenotypic and molecular studies were done on 43 patients with PPD. The molecular studies used a capillary gel electrophoresis T-cell receptor beta multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay. There were 2 principal categories: polyclonal PPD represented by 22 cases and monoclonal variants comprising 21 cases. Monoclonal cases had extensive skin lesions. An identical restricted T-cell repertoire independent of time and location was observed. Approximately 40% of the monoclonal cases had clinical and pathologic features of mycosis fungoides (MF). In the polyclonal variant, disease outside the lower extremities was uncommon; there were no patients with MF. Striking reductions in CD7 and CD62L were seen in both groups. PPD is a form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoid dyscrasia, based on the frequency of monoclonality, the preservation of persistent T-cell clonotypes, and extent of pan-T-cell marker loss. Stratification of lesions of PPD according to the molecular profile may be of significant value prognostically and influence therapeutic intervention.
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