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Case Reports
Journal Article
Subepyndemal hemangioblastomas of the cervicomedullary junction: lessons learned in the management of two cases.
OBJECTIVE: This retrospective case series analyzes two cases of hemangioblastomas in the cervicomedullary junction.
METHODS: A survey of the pediatric staff and of the operative reports from medical records with a review of the literature and medical records of patients with the condition was conducted.
RESULTS: Two patients were successfully treated surgically.
CONCLUSION: Surgery is the treatment of choice for hemangioblastomas of the cervicomedullary junction. Careful monitoring for unique complications, treatment of the tumor as a vascular malformation, and screening for von Hippel Lindau must all be employed to safely care for this challenging group of patients.
METHODS: A survey of the pediatric staff and of the operative reports from medical records with a review of the literature and medical records of patients with the condition was conducted.
RESULTS: Two patients were successfully treated surgically.
CONCLUSION: Surgery is the treatment of choice for hemangioblastomas of the cervicomedullary junction. Careful monitoring for unique complications, treatment of the tumor as a vascular malformation, and screening for von Hippel Lindau must all be employed to safely care for this challenging group of patients.
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