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Anatomy, histology, and vascularity of the glenoid labrum. An anatomical study.

We studied the gross, histological, and vascular anatomy of the glenoid labrum in twenty-three fresh-frozen shoulders from cadavera to demonstrate its cross-sectional anatomy, its microvascularity, and its attachments. The superior and anterosuperior portions of the labrum are loosely attached to the glenoid, and the macro-anatomy of those portions is similar to that of the meniscus of the knee. The superior portion of the labrum also consistently inserts directly into the biceps tendon, while its inferior portion is firmly attached to the glenoid rim and appears as a fibrous, immobile extension of the articular cartilage. The arteries supplying the periphery of the glenoid labrum come from the suprascapular, circumflex scapular, and posterior circumflex humeral arteries. In general, the superior and anterosuperior parts of the labrum have less vascularity than do the posterosuperior and inferior parts, and the vascularity is limited to the periphery of the labrum. Vessels supplying the labrum originate from either capsular or periosteal vessels and not from the underlying bone.

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