Journal Article
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Three-dimensional imaging of the carpal ligaments.

Hand Clinics 2006 November
This article provides a new perspective and detailed anatomic description of the attachments of the carpometacarpal (CMC) ligaments, intercarpal ligaments, and radiocarpal ligaments, which are described and illustrated using a unique combination of detailed dissection, CT imaging, and three-dimensional digitization. Detailed information is also provided about the ligamentous attachments of the CMC joints, carpal bones, and distal radius. This information advances the current knowledge and understanding of the normal anatomy and its impact on the mechanics of the radiocarpal intercarpal ligaments and the CMC joints, and should help surgeons to assess and treat injuries and degenerative changes seen in the wrist and CMC joints. Furthermore, this additional knowledge of the ligaments will help to further understand wrist kinematics and, more precisely, the function of the individual ligaments and their roles in joint motion and stability and injuries.

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