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A questionnaire study to assess long-term outcome in patients with abnormal esophageal manometry.
Dysphagia 2006 July
Patients with unexplained chest pain or dysphagia are often referred for esophageal manometric studies to further investigate their symptoms. Four main manometric abnormalities have been described: achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm, "nutcracker" (hypercontracting) esophagus, and hypocontracting esophagus. With the exception of achalasia, treatments are of limited benefit and the natural history of these conditions is largely unknown. We sent questionnaires to patients who were investigated at least three years before our study began. They repeated a DeMeester symptom questionnaire that they had completed at the time of their initial study. Questionnaires were sent to 137 patients with diffuse esophageal spasm, "nutcracker" (hypercontracting) esophagus, or hypocontracting esophagus. We also sent questionnaires to 57 patients with dysphagia or chest pain who had had normal esophageal manometry and pH studies. These patients acted as symptomatic controls. Responses were compared using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Seventy-two (53%) patients with diffuse esophageal spasm, "nutcracker" esophagus, or hypocontracting esophagus replied. An additional 8 (6%) patients died. Symptom scores in all three conditions had improved significantly over time (p < or = 0.01 for each condition, Wilcoxon signed ranks test). Patients with dysphagia or chest pain but normal esophageal studies had not improved. The significance of diffuse esophageal spasm, "nutcracker" esophagus, and hypocontracting esophagus found at esophageal manometry remains uncertain. Although treatment is often ineffective, these conditions typically run a benign course. Patients can be reassured that their symptoms are likely to improve with time.
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