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Journal Article
Recent developments in gastrointestinal motility.
In the past decade, the results of many studies on gastrointestinal motility and perception have been published that may be relevant to the clinician. A new classification of oesophageal motor disorders has been proposed in which "ineffective oesophageal motility" largely replaces the former "non-specific oesophageal motor disorders". Recent studies have shown that the incidence of transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations can be reduced pharmacologically, and this may open doors to a new therapeutic approach in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. The mechanisms through which hiatus hernia promotes reflux have become clearer. The recently developed technique of intraluminal impedance monitoring has made it possible to study oesophageal transit, non-acid reflux and its role in the generation of reflux symptoms, as well as the characteristics of belching. Measurement of gastric emptying by means of a non-radioactive isotope and breath-testing has become widely available but, unfortunately, this development has not yet been accompanied by the advent of new therapeutic options for gastroparesis. The term "enteric dysmotility" has been coined for the condition in which upper abdominal symptoms are associated with distinct small intestinal bowel motility disorders in the absence of ileus-like episodes. The role of high-amplitude propagated contractions in the pathogenesis of constipation has been further defined. In cases of suspected sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, manometry of both sphincters (IBD and pancreatic) is now felt to be advisable.
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