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Nipple reconstruction: technical aspects and evolution in 14 patients.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2006 March
BACKGROUND: During breast reconstruction after mastectomy, the long-term deterioration of the projection of neonipples led the authors to modify Thomas's technique in its design and use.
METHODS: The results were evaluated after at least 10 months, in 14 patients, by comparative measurement of diameters and projection of the neonipple and contralateral nipple.
RESULTS: In two cases, the authors had a 3-mm loss of height; in six cases, the authors had a variation of 1 mm compared with the referent nipple; and the heights appeared identical in the six other cases. The height variation was thus lower or equal to 1 mm compared with the contralateral nipple in 80 percent of cases. There was no or little diameter variation of approximately 1 mm in 12 cases (85.7 percent).
CONCLUSION: This technique allows rebuilding of a nipple that remains identical to the contralateral nipple over the long run.
METHODS: The results were evaluated after at least 10 months, in 14 patients, by comparative measurement of diameters and projection of the neonipple and contralateral nipple.
RESULTS: In two cases, the authors had a 3-mm loss of height; in six cases, the authors had a variation of 1 mm compared with the referent nipple; and the heights appeared identical in the six other cases. The height variation was thus lower or equal to 1 mm compared with the contralateral nipple in 80 percent of cases. There was no or little diameter variation of approximately 1 mm in 12 cases (85.7 percent).
CONCLUSION: This technique allows rebuilding of a nipple that remains identical to the contralateral nipple over the long run.
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