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Case Reports
Journal Article
Urate deposition in the iris and anterior chamber.
Ophthalmology 2006 March
OBJECTIVE: To report on a patient with clear gelatinoid deposits on the iris and in the anterior chamber (AC).
DESIGN: Observational case report.
METHODS: Examination of AC aspirate and iris and conjunctival biopsies by light and transmission electron microscopy.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and histopathological findings.
RESULTS: Analysis of the aqueous humor and iris ultrastructure disclosed the presence of urate deposits.
CONCLUSIONS: Urate deposition in the iris and anterior chamber rarely occurs.
DESIGN: Observational case report.
METHODS: Examination of AC aspirate and iris and conjunctival biopsies by light and transmission electron microscopy.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and histopathological findings.
RESULTS: Analysis of the aqueous humor and iris ultrastructure disclosed the presence of urate deposits.
CONCLUSIONS: Urate deposition in the iris and anterior chamber rarely occurs.
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