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English Abstract
Journal Article
[Dental fear scores of 12-19-year-old school children of the Hungarian minority in Transylvania].
Fogorvosi Szemle 2005 August
In this study 549 school children of the Hungarian minority in Transylvania were investigated (n=549, 342 female, 207 male, age between: 12-19 years). Mean dental fear scores were high: DAS: 12.6 +/- 3.3, DFS: 50.6 +/- 25.1. Girls scored significantly higher (p< or =0.01) in both scales. Scores increased between age of 12 and 16 confluently in both scales (DAS, DFS; p< or =0.05). There was a strong Pearson's correlation between DAS and DFS scales: (r= 0.70; p< or =0.01), and a somewhat lower correlation between these scales and the general anxiety scores. Mean DBS score (n = 203 only) was: 44.9 +/- 10.2.
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