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Impact of a series of interventions in vancomycin prescribing on use and prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci.

BACKGROUND: In response to vancomycin-resistant bacteria, particularly vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), measures have been recommended to improve on the appropriate use of vancomycin.

METHODS: Intervention 1 consisted of an automatic 72-hour vancomycin stop order; Intervention 2, a standardized procedure for sampling of blood cultures; and Intervention 3, an interdisciplinary critical care team.

RESULTS: After Intervention 1, inappropriate use decreased, particularly in treatment of febrile neutropenia and undocumented gram-positive infections. After Intervention 2, the baseline rate of inappropriately drawn blood cultures (IDBCs) was unchanged, and use in patients with IDBCs was comparable during both periods. Before Intervention 3, 38/55 orders continuing > 72 hours were considered inappropriate versus 24/53 (p < .025) after. After the interventions, hospitalwide vancomycin use was reduced. Yet the overall rate of VRE infection initially decreased but then increased once again over time.

DISCUSSION: Despite substantial reduction in hospitalwide vancomycin use, the impact on the overall rate of VRE was inconsistent and ward dependent.

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