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Comparative Study
Journal Article
Cellular, histomorphologic, and clinical characteristics of a new octyl-2-cyanoacrylate skin adhesive.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2005 January
Short-chained cyanoacrylates have been used for many years for topical skin closure. Toxic effects in cell culture of a new long-chained octyl-2-cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive are compared with those of short-chained ethyl-2- and butyl-2-cyanoacrylates. Two cellular tests were used: the agar overlay test and the MTT test. An in vitro test using copper plates coated with the three types of cyanoacrylates serves for evaluating the stability of polymerized skin adhesives. Bilateral neck skin incisions in Goettingen miniature pigs were glued on one side with Dermabond. On the other side, conventional sutures were applied. After the pigs were killed, the resulting skin samples were tested for the tensile strength of their wound stability. Samples of pig dermis were exemplarily and histomorphologically characterized. A clinical examination after submandibular lymph node dissection should examine the application in humans. Cell culture tests were used to show the toxic effects of the three cyanoacrylates. In a copper test, octyl-2-cyanoacrylate was more stabile than ethyl- and butyl-cyanoacrylates. Breaking strength was 30% lower 28 days after operation with the new product than with sutures. In electron microscopy, octyl-2-cyanoacrylate showed no disadvantages with regard to tissue regeneration and no histotoxicity. For plastic surgery, this new topical skin adhesive is a real alternative with attractive results, as compared with conventional suture.
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