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The value of Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis in 25 cases of furunculoid myiasis.
International Journal of Dermatology 2005 January
BACKGROUND: The larvae of the botfly Dermatobia hominis cause furunculoid myiasis in endemic areas. Lack of knowledge of this condition outside these areas leads to confusion in diagnosis and delays appropriate treatment.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical findings of furunculoid myiasis encountered in Quintana Roo, in the south-east of Mexico.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed an observational study on 25 cases diagnosed over a period of 4 years.
RESULTS: Diagnosis of furunculoid myiasis was made in 14 males and 11 females with an average age of 24.5 years. Most of our patients were students, farmers, or housewives. The number of lesions varied from one to four. In 20% of cases, more than one parasite was present in each lesion. The scalp was the most commonly affected region (40%), followed by the trunk and the extremities. Doppler ultrasound study (DUSG) of the furuncle-like lesions confirmed the clinical diagnosis in all cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Furunculoid myiasis is frequent in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. We found no association with occupation, gender, social background or age. DUSG can be used to evaluate the number of parasites per furunculoid lesion avoiding misdiagnoses and treatment delays.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical findings of furunculoid myiasis encountered in Quintana Roo, in the south-east of Mexico.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed an observational study on 25 cases diagnosed over a period of 4 years.
RESULTS: Diagnosis of furunculoid myiasis was made in 14 males and 11 females with an average age of 24.5 years. Most of our patients were students, farmers, or housewives. The number of lesions varied from one to four. In 20% of cases, more than one parasite was present in each lesion. The scalp was the most commonly affected region (40%), followed by the trunk and the extremities. Doppler ultrasound study (DUSG) of the furuncle-like lesions confirmed the clinical diagnosis in all cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Furunculoid myiasis is frequent in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. We found no association with occupation, gender, social background or age. DUSG can be used to evaluate the number of parasites per furunculoid lesion avoiding misdiagnoses and treatment delays.
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