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Case Reports
Journal Article
Unexpectedly high but still asymptomatic iron overload in a patient with pyruvate kinase deficiency.
Iron overload is a serious condition, which may lead to irreversible organ damage. The risk of iron accumulation in pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD) has traditionally been regarded as low, but recent evidence has questioned this notion. We here present a case of a young PKD patient showing evidence of asymptomatic iron accumulation measured as liver iron concentration (LIC) obtained noninvasively by magnetic resonance imaging. The iron overload was not related to blood transfusions, but rather secondary to concomitant risk factors leading to increased intestinal iron absorption, such as chronic hemolysis and splenectomy. The iron status of PKD patients, preferably assessed by LIC measurements, should therefore be evaluated regularly also in asymptomatic patients. This evaluation should start already at a young age, in order to initiate iron chelation before the development of iron-induced organ damage.
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