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Case Reports
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Botulinum toxin for the treatment of congenital entropion.
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004 July
PURPOSE: To describe a case of congenital entropion presenting with ulcerative keratitis that was successfully treated with a single injection of botulinum toxin.
DESIGN: Interventional case report.
METHODS: A 3-week-old female infant with a corneal ulcer of the left eye since birth presented for evaluation. She was found to have entropion of the left lower lid. The pretarsal orbicularis muscle was injected with 5 units of botulinum toxin.
RESULTS: Four days after treatment, the entropion had resolved and the corneal epithelial defect had healed. There was no recurrence of the entropion 7 months after botulinum toxin injection.
CONCLUSIONS: Injection of botulinum toxin can effectively treat certain cases of congenital entropion.
DESIGN: Interventional case report.
METHODS: A 3-week-old female infant with a corneal ulcer of the left eye since birth presented for evaluation. She was found to have entropion of the left lower lid. The pretarsal orbicularis muscle was injected with 5 units of botulinum toxin.
RESULTS: Four days after treatment, the entropion had resolved and the corneal epithelial defect had healed. There was no recurrence of the entropion 7 months after botulinum toxin injection.
CONCLUSIONS: Injection of botulinum toxin can effectively treat certain cases of congenital entropion.
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