Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Elimination diet in the treatment of selected patients with hypersensitivity vasculitis.

We have evaluated the effects of an elimination diet in 5 patients with hypersensitivity vasculitis and a personal or family history of allergy. The presence of autoimmune disorders, infections and neoplastic diseases was excluded on the basis of physical examination, clinical history and laboratory data. Three patients had elevated serum immune complexes and evidence of complement consumption before the oligoantigenic diet. In one patient food allergy was diagnosed on the basis of a positive and concordant challenge test, skin prick test and RAST. The study consisted of a 3 week elimination diet, followed by open and double blind challenge tests with specific foods and additives. Four patients achieved a complete remission and one patient experienced great improvement on the elimination diet. In three cases the vasculitis relapsed following the introduction of food additives; in one case with the addition of potatoes and green vegetables (i.e., beans and green peas) and in the last case with the addition of eggs to the diet. The offending foods and additives were subsequently eliminated from the usual diet and no relapses were observed in 2 years of follow-up. These results show that in selected patients with a history of allergy, hypersensitivity vasculitis can be triggered and sustained by food antigens or additives.

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