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Case Reports
Journal Article
Long-term cognitive and MRI findings in a patient with paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis.
Journal of Neuro-oncology 2004 January
This case study describes the long-term course of behavioral alterations and MRI findings in a patient with a combined limbic and cerebellar paraneoplastic syndrome, which was associated with a squamous lung carcinoma. Clinical equivalents were cerebellar ataxia, as well as severe anterograde memory loss, frontal executive dysfunction and behavioral alterations. MRI revealed inflammatory changes followed by progressive atrophy affecting the cerebellum and both temporal lobes. Tumor surgery yielded only a partial and transient recovery of neurological symptoms, and paraneoplastic atrophy continued to progress despite radical excision of the carcinoma. This case of paraneoplastic encephalitis suggests that the related atrophy may present as a chronic, progressive, multifocal encephalopathy and that the associated cognitive impairments may include several cognitive domains.
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