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Case Reports
Journal Article
Migraine-associated seizures with recurrent and reversible magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities.
Headache 2004 March
Migraine and epilepsy are highly comorbid, but the nature of their association remains unclear. Exceptionally, reversible brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities following migraine and seizures have been reported. There are no descriptions, however, of patients with recurrent brain MRI changes. We report a patient with repeated episodes of migraine-with-aura-associated seizures (migralepsy) and recurrent and reversible brain MRI abnormalities. Location of the abnormalities was always consistent with the neurologic deficits. The possibility that transient brain MRI abnormalities in a patient with migraine with aura followed by seizures may be due to migralepsy should be borne in mind to avoid misdiagnosis and potentially aggressive procedures.
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