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Posttraumatic obstruction of lacrimal pathways: a retrospective analysis of 58 consecutive naso-orbitoethmoid fractures.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2004 January
Posttraumatic dacryostenosis represent a troublesome sequela for patients who have sustained centrofacial trauma and can determine complexity in diagnosis and treatment. This article, based on a retrospective analysis of 58 patients with naso-orbitoethmoidal (NOE) trauma, reports the incidence of posttraumatic dacryostenosis and the evolution of such impairments in consideration of fracture type. Experience in diagnosis and treatment is illustrated, and surgical outcomes 6 months after external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) are reported. Posttraumatic epiphora was observed in 27 patients with NOE fractures (46.5%). In 10 cases, temporary epiphora was encountered and spontaneous recovery of lacrimal drainage within 5 months was observed. In the remaining 17 cases, permanent epiphora was registered and a frequent association with delayed treatment of facial fracture repair or bone loss in the lacrimal district was found. Surgical reconstruction of lacrimal pathways was performed 6 months after primary surgery, with external DCRs in all 17 patients with epiphora and the presence of nasolacrimal duct obstruction observed with dacryocystorhinography. External DCR with a large rhinostomy achieved a success rate of 94% in the reconstruction of lacrimal drainage. Such a technique proved to be effective in the treatment of posttraumatic dacryostenosis, although patients considered the temporary presence of external scars and stenting material to be a major problem.
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