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[Vasectomy today: a review of 1,275 vasectomies in 10 years].

We report on a large series of 1,275 patients who underwent outpatient vasectomy performed by a single urological surgeon within a 10-year period. In addition, the results of a prospective questionnaire-based study on 217 patients regarding their opinions and motivation, and the financial aspects of the vasectomy are discussed. The mean age was 37.0+/-5.9 years. A total of 98.4% of the patients had an uneventful postoperative course. The average duration of sick leave was 2.2+/-0.21 days. During the study period, the length of sick leave dropped significantly from 2.63 (1990/91) to 1.1 days (1998/99; P=0.001). Efficacy was documented with azoospermia rates of 96.6% and 98.5% in patients who presented for two and three sperm examinations, respectively. A vast majority of patients (94.6%) felt that the procedure should be covered by their health insurance, although 88.1% stated they would also pay by themselves. A minority of patients (0.7%: 9/1,275) subsequently considered vasectomy reversal. The wish to reverse the vasectomy was significantly associated with a younger patient age. In conclusion, outpatient vasectomy provides a safe and reliable form of contraception at low cost. Overall satisfaction in appropriately counselled patients is very high. Based on these findings, further attempts to propagate vasectomy as a timely form of contraception are medically and socioeconomically recommended.

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