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Training teachers of day care centres for primary ear care.

Tropical Doctor 2003 April
The feasibility of training teachers of day care centres for children (balwadi teachers) to recognize and manage common ear problems was studied so that they could provide primary care for ear related morbidity in the community. A training module was designed, piloted on grass root level workers and used to train 19 balwadi teachers. Their knowledge, skills and technique of examination was assessed following training. Pathways for referral were established between the balwadis, secondary and tertiary hospitals. The knowledge score of the balwadi teachers increased from a mean of 28.4% to 86%; they scored an average of 75% in an assessment of their examination technique. Their sensitivity in identifying overall ear related morbidity was 75%, and 96% in identifying children with ear discharge, specifically. Age, education and experience did not affect the outcome of their training. While it may be premature to comment on the impact of the training, periodic supervision, close monitoring and review sessions would sharpen the skills of the balwadi teachers and improve their efficiency.

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