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Type 2 diabetes in Asian-Indian urban children.

Diabetes Care 2003 April
OBJECTIVE: Due to a background of high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and the increasing rate of obesity occurring in relatively young urban children, we felt the need to look for type 2 diabetes in children.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A study of cases of type 2 diabetes with age at diagnosis of
RESULTS: All children showed a response to ODAs, had good beta-cell reserve (>/=0.6 pmol/ml on stimulation), and negligible GAD(65) antibodies indicating the presence of type 2 diabetes. The children were nonketotic; nine were obese, four had acanthosis nigricans, and one had polycystic ovary syndrome. Positive family history of diabetes was present in all cases.

CONCLUSIONS: The clinical, immunological, and biochemical profile showed that the children had type 2 diabetes. The profile of type 2 diabetes was similar to that described in children in many other countries. Although less common than type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes in children is a condition that needs to be recognized and looked for in Asian-Indians.

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