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Case Reports
Journal Article
Colloid milium of the upper eyelid margins: a rare presentation.
Ophthalmology 2002 October
AIM: To report a rare presentation of colloid milium occurring only on the upper eyelid margins.
DESIGN: Interventional case report.
METHODS: (1) Slit-lamp examination of eyelids and eyes and clinical examination including the face and a general physical examination; (2) photography of the lesions on the lids; and (3) excision biopsy and histopathologic examination.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Histologic examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis.
RESULTS: Clinical examination and histopathologic findings revealed the cysts to be colloid milium.
CONCLUSIONS: Colloid milium can involve upper eyelids in isolation, sparing the lower eyelids and facial skin. Such rare presentations should be kept in mind while examining similar lesions.
DESIGN: Interventional case report.
METHODS: (1) Slit-lamp examination of eyelids and eyes and clinical examination including the face and a general physical examination; (2) photography of the lesions on the lids; and (3) excision biopsy and histopathologic examination.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Histologic examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis.
RESULTS: Clinical examination and histopathologic findings revealed the cysts to be colloid milium.
CONCLUSIONS: Colloid milium can involve upper eyelids in isolation, sparing the lower eyelids and facial skin. Such rare presentations should be kept in mind while examining similar lesions.
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