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Cauterization-plication operation in the treatment of complete rectal prolapse.

The current communication presents a simple technique for treatment of complete rectal prolapse (CRP). The study included 28 patients presenting with CRP (mean age, 36.4 years; 4 children 2-12 years; 17 female and 11 males). Fourteen patients had fecal incontinence. With the patient under general anesthesia in lithotomy position, the prolapsed rectum was pulled outside the anal canal, the mucosa was cauterized in vertical lines and the exposed muscle layer was plicated by 2/0 coated Vicryl sutures. Posterior levatorplasty was done in 14 adult patients in whom the length of prolapsed segment was more than 10 cm and who were incontinent due to a wide levator hiatus. The postoperative follow up was 31.6+/-14.8 months (mean+/-SD). Five had postoperative mucosal prolapse and one had recurrence 3 months of operation. Mucosal plication was performed for the five patients and the operation was redone for the recurrent patient. Fecal impaction, stricture and fistula formation were not encountered. The technique is simple, easy and with minimal complications.

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