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Journal Article
Nutritional management of short bowel syndrome in adults.
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2002 March
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) comprises the sequelae of nutrient, fluid, and weight loss that occurs subsequent to greatly reduced functional surface area of the small intestine. Signs and symptoms of SBS include electrolyte disturbances; deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamin B12, or fat-soluble vitamin deficiency; malabsorption of carbohydrates, lactose, and protein; metabolic acidosis, gastric acid hypersecretion; formation of cholesterol biliary calculi and renal oxalate calculi; and dehydration, steatorrhea, diarrhea, and weight loss. Thorough nutritional management is the key factor in achieving an optimal outcome in SBS. Total parenteral nutrition is necessary in the early stages, as is replacement of excess fluid and electrolyte losses. Nutritional management of SBS has traditionally been divided into three phases: an acute phase when total parenteral nutrition is usually begun, an adaptation phase, and a maintenance phase. Recommendations regarding the need for parenteral nutrition vary depending on the presence or absence of certain factors: the ileocecal valve, jejunum, and functional colon. Patients with residual small bowel length of 100 cm or less usually require the administration of parenteral nutrition at home with good results. The total parenteral nutrition diet should consist of a majority of calories from fat, followed by protein, and the remaining as carbohydrates. Vitamins, minerals, and trace elements should also be added accordingly. Although total parenteral nutrition is initially necessary, treatment goals should focus on early transition to enteral nutrition followed by oral feeds. Other recent advances in the medical management of SBS include pharmacologic treatment and the use of specific nutrients and growth factors to stimulate intestinal absorption and adaptation. Both animal studies and clinical trials in humans have shown much promise in supplementation with growth factors and hormones. This strategy is likely to play a greater role in the treatment of SBS in the future.
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