Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Epidemiology, patterns of comorbidity, and associated disabilities of social phobia.

Social phobia is a common condition, with current prevalence estimates in the range of 4% to 6% and a lifetime risk of 7% to 13%. It has an early onset and, without appropriate intervention, it has a disproportionately higher risk for persistence compared with other anxiety disorders. Presentation differs between age groups; the disorder in teenagers and in those in their early 20s tends to look different in terms of types of problems and the associated distress to that expected in the 30s and 40s age groups, when these individuals have already endured 20 years of suffering and disability. There is an increased risk for depression and substance abuse disorders even in adolescence, in addition to an increased risk for psychosocial impairment and disability resembling that experienced by depressed outpatients. This finding is particularly true in cases affected by generalized SP, which might have slightly different etiologic pathways than the nongeneralized type. Social phobia is in itself a disabling disorder, and individuals who develop comorbid conditions have a more severe level of disability. Early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of SP could minimize sufferers' problems throughout their subsequent lives, preventing the development of comorbidity and a worsened prognosis. Developing models for early recognition and treatment should improve the outcome for the patient, as well as reduce future demand on health care resources. Epidemiologic studies, with their methodologic strengths and unique methods, can be instrumental in this respect. They may, for example, provide time-efficient, simple screening tools for use by physicians or even patients, based on the existing diagnostic instruments used in epidemiologic surveys. They may provide further guidance in making treatment decisions and developing treatment algorithms by offering criteria, which with additional vulnerability and risk factors, will lead to more severe, chronic, and comorbid course in a given case.

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